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The Snp Show Their Real Colours

Stuart Dickson

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I realise you may find it difficult to think for yourself or have your own opinion. Easier just to quote a blogger with the brains of a wee ginger dug! But I've seen the light, It's all the fault of the big bad Unionists.lol.gif

The SNP based its economic plan for Scotland on the price of oil. Something (even by your own supporters admission) they have no control of. No one can deny that. No one can also deny we would have been heading for shit creek and there would have been no going back had the silent majority not won the day.

Oh, believe me, I can think for myself. When someone else has already went to the trouble of setting out a similar position, however, it saves me wasting my precious personal resources in setting out anything further for a one-dimensional, embittered hand-wringer such as yourself.

PS - we're all going to die!

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Brilliant!! So by your own admission the SNP figures were based on something they have NO control of!!!

From the white paper...Assuming onshore tax revenues in Scotland follow the path forecast for the UK as a whole, they are projected to grow by approximately £5 billion (10 per cent) in real terms between 2011/12 and 2016/17[43]. lol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.gif

The games up guys. The Scottish public can't be fooled by you all for too much longer. You can fudge it, tell everyone who disagrees with you they are stupid and don't understand, talk about the NHS in England but the figures are devastating for those who still want Independence. I wonder what the figure would have been with the added costs had Scotland become an independent country!!!!

Thanks again to the silent majority for saving us from DISASTER.

You would have to show me a revenue stream that any UK government has control of. Governments take advantage of these things (or not0 they don't control them.

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Oh, believe me, I can think for myself. When someone else has already went to the trouble of setting out a similar position, however, it saves me wasting my precious personal resources in setting out anything further for a one-dimensional, embittered hand-wringer such as yourself.

PS - we're all going to die!

I'm so glad you do not waste your 'personal resources'. More than 13,000 posts on a St Mirren forum may suggest otherwise lol.gif

I'm also pleased you can think for yourself and have managed to enlighten us all with the fact that we are all going to die. Thanks for sharing that with us.

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If it had been a Yes vote then Scotland still wouldn't be independent just now.

Independence day would have been 13 days from now.

So you are suggesting that the current economic circumstances would have been irrelevant to the first budget? :1eye

Then again, you are the guy who doesn't know how the public debt is funded! :lol:

PS. Dry your tears and reign in your anger. No need to respond as I won't return to the thread for at least a week. bye1.gif

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I'm so glad you do not waste your 'personal resources'. More than 13,000 posts on a St Mirren forum may suggest otherwise lol.gif

You seem to have missed my qualification that I wouldn't waste them on you.

Happy to post random shite all day long on here, however.

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It was nice to hear Nicola Sturgeon talking today about how raising taxes for the richest people in Scotland would have the effect of driving down tax revenues. It almost sounded like she been learning. She blew it though when having grasped the notion that well paid individuals are typically amongst the most mobile in society and could just uproot and move elsewhere, she claimed that if George Osbourne gives top rate tax payers a tax cut in the budget she would move to block it in Scotland.

The Natsi's aren't very good at money are they? Apparently as an Independent country Scotland would now officially have been the poor man of Europe.

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It was nice to hear Nicola Sturgeon talking today about how raising taxes for the richest people in Scotland would have the effect of driving down tax revenues. It almost sounded like she been learning. She blew it though when having grasped the notion that well paid individuals are typically amongst the most mobile in society and could just uproot and move elsewhere, she claimed that if George Osbourne gives top rate tax payers a tax cut in the budget she would move to block it in Scotland.

The Natsi's aren't very good at money are they? Apparently as an Independent country Scotland would now officially have been the poor man of Europe.

but Stuart you philistine... she said it assertively as per her media training so how the hell can you question it?

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but Stuart you philistine... she said it assertively as per her media training so how the hell can you question it?

Name a front line politician who hasn't had media training.

It just so happens that Sturgeon utilises it way better than most - as the polls indicate.

That aside, she comes across very well. Only Patrick Harvey has a better manner and delivery,though I would say that, wouldn't I.

Compare her to the likes of Dugdale, Davidson, and Wee Wullie. FFS, Sturgeon and Harvie are on another planet.

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Name a front line politician who hasn't had media training.

It just so happens that Sturgeon utilises it way better than most - as the polls indicate.

That aside, she comes across very well. Only Patrick Harvey has a better manner and delivery,though I would say that, wouldn't I.

Compare her to the likes of Dugdale, Davidson, and Wee Wullie. FFS, Sturgeon and Harvie are on another planet.

Seriously? Ruth Davidson was by far the best performer on Question Time on Thursday night and she's been the top performer in the Scottish Parliament since Alex Salmond stopped turning up. Indeed Davidson could well be credited with taking the Conservatives into 2nd place in the Scottish Parliament elections this year if the polls are to be believed.

BTW it's been interesting this week to watch Patrick Harvey try desperately to outline a picture of Europe as a progressive, socialist ideal despite the very clear evidence that the majority of countries in Europe are now lurching very heavily indeed to the right.

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Name a front line politician who hasn't had media training.

It just so happens that Sturgeon utilises it way better than most - as the polls indicate.

That aside, she comes across very well. Only Patrick Harvey has a better manner and delivery,though I would say that, wouldn't I.

Compare her to the likes of Dugdale, Davidson, and Wee Wullie. FFS, Sturgeon and Harvie are on another planet.

I could probably name a well known poster who seemingly , never had any potty training. .maybe a North Lanarkshire thing . .

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but Stuart you philistine... she said it assertively as per her media training so how the hell can you question it?

You're becoming bit of a fan boy, BinEK
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Seriously? Ruth Davidson was by far the best performer on Question Time on Thursday night and she's been the top performer in the Scottish Parliament since Alex Salmond stopped turning up. Indeed Davidson could well be credited with taking the Conservatives into 2nd place in the Scottish Parliament elections this year if the polls are to be believed.

BTW it's been interesting this week to watch Patrick Harvey try desperately to outline a picture of Europe as a progressive, socialist ideal despite the very clear evidence that the majority of countries in Europe are now lurching very heavily indeed to the right.

I take it you missed Davidson's bizarre sniggering during the 'debate'? It wouldn't have been out of place on Dick Dastardly's plane. Her cheesy Wallace and Grommet smile is a f**king act. She is a Thatcherite grunt, and no amount of cuddly figure coaching can disguise that. I imagine that is exactly what appeals to you, right enough.

Oh, and you clearly haven't been listening to a thing Harvie has been saying. There's a surprise.

Edited by Drew
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I take it you missed Davidson's bizarre sniggering during the 'debate'? It wouldn't have been out of place on Dick Dastardly's plane. Her cheesy Wallace and Grommet smile is a f**king act. She is a Thatcherite grunt, and no amount of cuddly figure coaching can disguise that. I imagine that is exactly what appeals to you, right enough.

Oh, and you clearly haven't been listening to a thing Harvie has been saying. There's a surprise.

Dastardly and Muttley


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I take it you missed Davidson's bizarre sniggering during the 'debate'? It wouldn't have been out of place on Dick Dastardly's plane. Her cheesy Wallace and Grommet smile is a f**king act. She is a Thatcherite grunt, and no amount of cuddly figure coaching can disguise that. I imagine that is exactly what appeals to you, right enough.

Oh, and you clearly haven't been listening to a thing Harvie has been saying. There's a surprise.

The fact that she is Thatcherite is a huge part of the attraction Drew not just to me but to much of Scotland. Remember under Thatcher the Conservatives were ALWAYS more popular than the SNP.

Edited by Stuart Dickson
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It was nice to hear Nicola Sturgeon talking today about how raising taxes for the richest people in Scotland would have the effect of driving down tax revenues. It almost sounded like she been learning. She blew it though when having grasped the notion that well paid individuals are typically amongst the most mobile in society and could just uproot and move elsewhere, she claimed that if George Osbourne gives top rate tax payers a tax cut in the budget she would move to block it in Scotland.

The Natsi's aren't very good at money are they? Apparently as an Independent country Scotland would now officially have been the poor man of Europe.

Well they certainly don't seem very good at figures. The 17,000 wealthiest people in the country account for 15% of tax raised. With a £15 billion pound debt and the costs incurred by independence these people would have been targeted by the SNP to pay more in tax. I'm not sure many of them would have hung around to bail the SNP out after their lies and broken promises.

it would have been left to the hard working Scottish public to have paid more in tax and public services would have been slashed. Frighteningly there would have been no going back. Doesn't really bear thinking about!!!

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I will take that as a compliment that I am not afraid to go against the crowd if I feel it is merited.

Thanks for the compliment bud.

Its only a compliment if you are engaging your brain.

Being against a rise in tax for high earners and also being against a cut in tax for the same people is a perfectly reasonable position.

Dickson thinks those two things are a contradiction and it appears you believe that too.

Edited by oaksoft
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Its only a compliment if you are engaging your brain.

Being against a rise in tax for high earners and also being against a cut in tax for the same people is a perfectly reasonable position.

Dickson thinks those two things are a contradiction and it appears you believe that too.

I have not stated any thoughts whatsoever on the tax issue.

Keep making things up if you like!

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Well they certainly don't seem very good at figures. The 17,000 wealthiest people in the country account for 15% of tax raised. With a £15 billion pound debt and the costs incurred by independence these people would have been targeted by the SNP to pay more in tax. I'm not sure many of them would have hung around to bail the SNP out after their lies and broken promises.

it would have been left to the hard working Scottish public to have paid more in tax and public services would have been slashed. Frighteningly there would have been no going back. Doesn't really bear thinking about!!!

Complete and utter whataboutery
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Well they certainly don't seem very good at figures. The 17,000 wealthiest people in the country account for 15% of tax raised. With a £15 billion pound debt and the costs incurred by independence these people would have been targeted by the SNP to pay more in tax. I'm not sure many of them would have hung around to bail the SNP out after their lies and broken promises.

it would have been left to the hard working Scottish public to have paid more in tax and public services would have been slashed. Frighteningly there would have been no going back. Doesn't really bear thinking about!!!

Stuart doesn't embrace the concept of public services, so if you are seeking out an ally there, you're barking up the wrong tree (or perhaps just barking....).

Curiously, I am pretty sure that Nicola Sturgeon is lukewarm on raising the highest rate of income tax, for the very reasons you set out. She said as much just yesterday unless I am mistaken. This is not something I concur with, as people should be prepared to contribute as their means permit. I think that is what is meant by progressive taxation. If a few of them choose to relocate, so be it, I am sure we would muddle along - whether we remain in the UK or otherwise.

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Its only a compliment if you are engaging your brain.

Being against a rise in tax for high earners and also being against a cut in tax for the same people is a perfectly reasonable position.

Dickson thinks those two things are a contradiction and it appears you believe that too.

They are contradictory. If you've got your head around the fact that wealthy people are mobile and will move to save money on tax then it logically follows that you have to either have parity with the rest of the UK or you need to tax LESS to attract wealthy people here.

Tell me Oaksoft where are the bigger yachts parked up. Inverkip or Monaco?

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