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The Gaffers
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About div

  • Birthday 01/02/1972

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. div

    Companies House Update

    😂 Not quite. Someone mentioned it to me in Norway, they had clocked it and asked if I knew what it was about. Also got DMd about it on Twitter. Sure it’s nothing concerning but it does seem a bit strange that Kibble are now listed as the only party with significant control.
  2. There was an even bigger safe standing area in the home end that was also closed. Such a shame that UEFA don't allow them to be used, cannot understand it at all.
  3. div

    Companies House Update

    Yeah shareholding hasn’t changed but Kibble are now showing as the only “person” with significant control.
  4. Companies House shows that on 19th July the 1877 Society Ltd (that is SMiSA) ceased to be a person with significant control of the club. Im gonna be honest and say I don’t quite know what that means or why it’s happened or if it even matters but it seems a bit strange that the majority shareholder wouldn’t be deemed to have significant control, no? Anyone know what this means and why it’s happened now?
  5. Here's a short guide to Bergen for any Saints fans heading over this week, including details of the base camp pub that's been organised by Josh, and a WhatsApp group for keeping bang up to date with stuff that's going on when we're in Norway. https://www.blackandwhitearmy.com/opinions/2303-norway-were-on-our-way
  6. When I chose my boys seat which is under a concession it filled in his sex as Female and his ticket type as a Pensioner. I just left those fields as that without changing them then I clicked continue and it loaded the payment form. At that point I then went back and corrected the sex and ticket type and it went through fine.
  7. I tried it again there and it went through so looks like they've hopefully fixed whatever the problem was. Cheers!
  8. I've had a problem renewing my son's concession ticket (he's a student). Renewed mine no probs but with his it wanted me to upload his ID, which I did, and then it fails when you go to pay, saying "Cart Not Found". I've reported this to the ticket office, even taken screen recordings showing the problem, and I know it's affecting others who are trying to order season tickets where some sort of proof of concession is required, but the only advice I've been given is to go to the ticket office to do the renewal. It's not a problem for me as I only live 10 mins away and am around during the day but strikes me it's affecting many other people so no idea why they aren't getting it fixed.
  9. div

    Latest Scores

    Don’t be a dick about this or I’ll just permanently ban you and your IP address. I won’t warn you again.
  10. div

    Latest Scores

    Reactions and Reputation levels seem to be the main bone of contention between the children on here, so I've completely switched that off. You are all now free to post wherever you like. Have a great time.
  11. div

    Latest Scores

    I did not say it was an alias. I can literally see from your posts exactly where you are posting from. Im not going into any more detail than that.
  12. div

    Latest Scores

    I never at any point said that you and Shull shared the same IP address but I do know where you both live. You can take from that whatever you like.
  13. div

    Latest Scores

    You know we can see your IP addresses, right?
  14. It is really poor. They told me to use the mic on my AirPods. I wont be doing that again!
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