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    • Not right wing, just right up until now. If you think that standing against liberal fascism is right wing then I suggest you don’t know much about politics. 
    • Oh, you mean the reality that Livingston were a hard nut to crack? You're well known for making bizarre statements so, if you don't mind, I'll look for my information elsewhere.  I'm not wetting myself over anything, I've already stated that I don't get in a mess, like you and a few others, what happens on Thursday. I take responsibility for my life, not whining about whoever happens to be in Westminster, or Holyrood. Aye, 2026, another couple of years of seeth.  PS It's looking like I might be voting for the SNP guy up here as he seems to be the best guy for the job. 
    • That doesn't surprise me you've never been comfortable with the truth facts or reality  So before you start wetting yourself at the downfall of the independence movement look back to the General Election 2010 before this shit show that the Tories have created {Brexit etc,}  the SNP share or the Scottish electorate was 19%. and won 6 seats so judge it against that., and in this union would it actually make any difference if they won all 59 seats at Westminster My prediction is the SNP will win about 15 seats, 59 or 15 does it really matter we get who England votes for, this time it's Starmer and Labour. Our own parliament elections in 2026 is when the people of Scotland can make their choice on Scotland's future, and hopefully they will.  
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