The cost in unpaid taxes must be considerable and a drain on available funds for the day to day running of these States that have high numbers.
Re the crime, my mates wife feels very uneasy going certain places at certain times, although Mrs Faraway has the same uncomfortable feelings up here with a reasonable number of eastern Europeans. They are "taking over" certain businesses, including brothels, something that wasn't "available" in the town until fairly recently. I'd imagine there will be similar issues in the States as many of the people won't be satisfied with a few bob under the counter every week.
The numbers from Mexico are hardly an easy target as they are by FAR the largest of all illegal immigrants.
Yeah, not the only but if I was looking to reduce the illegals that's where I'd start.
Mexico 23%, of all illegals, with India 6% and 5% are next.
When you factor in the minimum wage in US is around $7 and if you're a waiter or waitress (or any job where you can get paid tips (20% going rate in US) it could be as little as $2.20 ph) and the first part doesn't really factor in...bigger issue is no federal taxes being paid to support the few "state benefits" they receive.
Crime is a different issue but much of that isn't "immigrant" driven although Mexican drug flow is definitely an issue down south. Go to Boston, Chicago, NYC or Phillidelphia and see how many Irish folk have overstayed their Visas and disappeared off the system.......I've got a Buddy in Boston who is a musician and reckons that more than 50% of bar-staff in that City are paid "off-books/cash-in-hand" (his wife owns a bar in Brookline and that's how she pays her staff. She was in the US for over twenty years, and illegal, before she first married the first time to get her Green card. There are lawyers who specialise in such things bizarrely). Trump is majoring on the Mexicans as they're an easy enough target and makes it "look" like he's tough on immigration, it's just rhetoric and vote gaining in the worst populist fashion.