6500 would be great and would be reached with my pricing.
Unfortunately, tickets are going to be a rip off meaning attendance will probably be around 4500 or less.
THIS is where I can see serious issues. (not discounting the first part mate)
Exactly how far this disregard for the law, inciting an "everyone for themselves" attitude goes is concerning and I can see "groups" taking virtual control of certain areas.
As we know what happens in America is mirrored across other countries so watch this space.
The Wild West part 2.
Add in the "Silk Road" guy and Trump's description of the Prosecutors as "scumbags", be in no doubt about where this is headed. I referred earlier to my Texan pals who would be absolutely classic Republicans who will benefit massively financially in his time in office but they see through this despot for what he is. They voted for him first time round as they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hilary Clinton, they voted for Harris this time despite the fact that they disagree with her politically on many things.....their only wish is that the USA somehow gets through the next four years intact and without divisions that will never heal.
They would also vote for Texas secession in the current circumstances.